The Hip Pop Blog

  • Mother and daughter hugging joyfully on Mother’s Day, with a man smiling in the background; a heartwarming moment perfect for celebrating Mother’s Day in the UK.

    Celebrate Mother’s Day with Thoughtful Gifts

    By Ruby Monaghan

    Mother’s Day is fast approaching (30th March, in case you needed the reminder), and with it comes the annual challenge: what do you get for the woman who gave you life, wiped your nose, and somehow still puts up with you?

  • The History of Kombucha

    The History of Kombucha

    By Ruby Monaghan

    We live and breathe kombucha at HIP POP… but who actually gave us the gift of kombucha? Kombucha actually originated in ancient China, and this Chinese New Year we’re celebrating culture and tradition by giving you 29% off all our...

  • image of kombucha scoby

    Is Kombucha Gluten Free?

    By Ruby Monaghan

    Like many people trying to improve their gut-health you probably have some form of IBS or intolerance (or you might just genuinely be the master of your own intestines). If you fall into the 6% of the population with a...

  • photo of woman touching her tummy

    Is Kombucha Good For IBS?

    By Ruby Monaghan

    Farting, bloating, pooping (or lack thereof). We’ve all experienced this at one point or another. But what if it just doesn’t stop? This is where IBS comes in. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, like its namesake, is majorly-flipping-irritating. But, alas, there are...

  • photo of person holding glass of kombucha drink

    What Does Kombucha Taste Like?

    By Ruby Monaghan

    If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a can of kombucha and wondering what it actually tastes like, you’re not alone. Kombucha, a fermented tea, has been gaining popularity in recent years, but for the uninitiated, its flavor can be...

  • photo of a cup of coffee


    By Ruby Monaghan

    You’ve probably ended up here because you have questions. Does kombucha contain caffeine? Why does kombucha contain caffeine? How much caffeine is in kombucha? And are there caffeine-free alternatives to kombucha? So, we’re going to answer the lot so you...

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Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011